2022 Virginia Legislative Session
Environmental Defense Team


Each week, Virginia politicians debate the future of our environment and democracy. We need your help to ensure that they protect gains we've made in environmental justice/climate policy. 


Sign up to help defend Virginia from climate change disasters by making environmental action part of your weekly routine. 


Each week we have regular opportunities to phonebank your neighbors and write your representatives. In today's volatile political world, t is essential that we have a list of CCANers ready to take action. You can help us by signing up for our weekly action alerts and attending our regular phonebanks and comment writing parties. 


We will call on legislators to defend against attempts to weaken the Virginia Clean Economy Act and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. 


1. Wednesday Phonebanks 12-2 PM: CCAN gives you all the information you need to call your neighbors and connect them directly to their elected officials. 

2. Thursday Comment Writing 6-7 PM: We will help you share your personal stories and connect them with current legislative pushes. 

3. Monday Afternoon Digest: Each Monday afternoon Zander will send you a summary of the actions taken last week and a preview of the upcoming ways you can defend our environmental gains


Join us to take action! 

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