Another New Permit - Same Old Story!
Years behind schedule, Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is still fighting to get approved for key construction permits. Now the US Army Corps of Engineers has opened a public comment period. MVP submitted amendments for its Clean Water Act 404 permit, which would allow for construction across waterways. This is an attempt at greenwashing – and it’s up to us to speak out in opposition!
Join CCAN's No MVP Comment-Writing Party on Wednesday Feb. 1 at 6:30 PM.
CCAN organizers will give a short presentation on the current state of the pipeline, share talking points, and coach you on how to connect your life situation and experiences to the MVP threat. Together, we will develop messages that make an impact on Army Corps of Engineers decision-makers.
Sign up now to draft a letter on Wed. Feb 1 to the Army Corps. We'll help YOU write an strong statement to stop MVP!