Your gas provider, Washington Gas Light, wants you to foot the bill for its $400,000 misleading advertising budget. WGL also wants you to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to replace gas pipelines, rather than repair them for a fraction of the cost, and invest in false climate solutions, while locking us into gas infrastructure for decades. 

Say NO! You have the opportunity to tell the MD Public Service Commission that WGL’s plans lock in gas infrastructure and are out of step with Maryland’s climate commitments. Sign up to testify at a virtual public hearing on September 21.

After you RSVP, we will provide everything else you need to know. 

WHAT: Virtual Public Hearings on WGL's fossil fuel plans

WHEN: Thursday, September 21, at 7:00 PM

WHERE: Your computer! This hearing will be virtual.


Sign up today!

Important Note: Filling out this form is NOT the final step in signing up for these hearings. We'll provide instructions on the next page. 

This campaign is hosted by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.