Come to CCAN Action Fund’s Virginia Member Meet-Up Wednesday November 20th at 6:30 PM.

Learn how Dominion Energy is stifling rooftop solar in Virginia and how we can fight back. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • An overview of the state of rooftop solar in Virginia and how you can expand it. Spoiler alert: the answer is fighting Dominion!
  • Inspiring stories from CCAN volunteers across our state helping to run local action teams.
  • Stories from members who are connecting with their Virginia senators and delegates right now to push them to be strong on climate in the 2025 legislative session. 
  • Reports from the frontlines of fossil fuel fights across Virginia including updates on the Chesterfield People’s Hearing. 

RSVP today for the Zoom info!

This campaign is hosted by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.